Friday, November 7, 2008

Team Matrix Team- The Rookie Creators of Real-Time Environments

The Matrix Team as we can see are classed as the "rookie creators of real-time environments". Our crew has been made up of Gajan, Zeniab and Yasmin. Were not the well-experienced creators of real time environments but we manage to put up some show we all will discuss some of our key roles with creating our "Snakes and Ladders" game.

Gajan- Leader-by of the Matrix team who takes resposibilties for the matinee work. Shows courage than the other members of the team who don't seem to be up to date with work but on the other hand not as sharp as a conceptual thinker. How Gajan's matinee system works would a combination of moving tiles as ladders for our game.

Zeniab- Second member of the Matrix team who takes responsiblities for the particles work. Not bad with grasping some understanding of real time environments as well as key concepts with real time design. Zeniab's particle system works with a combi of bubbles, smoke and fire to make the environment of the Snakes and Ladders game awesome.

Yasmin- Last member of the Matrix team who takes responsibilities for the kisment work. One of the members who's not up to sratch with work. Hasn't paid much attention on how to create kismet experimentation. Yasmin's kismet system is meant to be a system where the player turns the lights on and off however has to seek help from David Butterworth and Vincent Lam to learn how to use Kisment on the very last day of submission, which is frustrating.

This is all our members, take a look at our gameplay demo play to see what kind of superb experimentations our members created.

Hints for playing our Snakes and Ladders game:
- Crouch in case you can't get through
- Move over to the side
- Take the snakes and ladders ride nice and easy, I find sometimes that I rush the moves and I end up falling of the path.

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